United Kingdom
UK standard delivery is: £4.50 (3-5 days working days for item arrival)
All items are Made-to-order. Please 1 working day to process your order.
UK Express Shipping: £8.50 (1-3 working days for item arrival). This also includes custom made orders.
Its Goldana's main priority is to ensure excellent quality and full functionality.
All customers will be provided with a tracking number in which they will be able to track their items once the order has been finalised.
United States International Delivery
US standard delivery is: £16.50 ( 7-11 working days for item arrival)
All items are Made-to-order. Please allow 1 working day to process to process your order.
US Express delivery is: £18.50 (5-7 working days for item arrival)
All items are Made-to-order. Please allow 1 working day to process your order.
Its Goldana's main priority is to ensure excellent quality and full functionality.
All customers will be provided with a tracking number in which they will be able to track their items once the order has been finalised.
EU International deliveries.
European standard international deliveries are: £14 ( 5-7 working days for item arrival)
All orders are Made-to-order. Please allow 1 working day to process your order.
All customers will be provided with a tracking number in which they will be able to track their items once the order has been finalised.
For express deliveries please contact us at:
Rest of the world deliveries.
International deliveries are: £15 ( 7-11days working days for item arrival)
All orders are Made-to-Order, please allow 1 working day to process your order.
All customers will be provided with a tracking number in which they will be able to track their items once the order has been finalised.
For express deliveries please contact us at:
Returns & Exchanges
All of our items will be inspected and ensured that it's performing to their maximum full functionality. Therefore, if the items are faulty we will provide a full refund. All customers are protected under the Consumer rights Act 2015. You must report it and request a refund within 14 days of the day of your purchase.
We do not provide any other refund unless the item is faulty. We advise all our clients to read carefully before purchasing it. This is extremely important due to this specific policy. However, the item can be replaced or given additional adjustments to satisfy customer needs. We advise customers to contact us prior in case of any uncertainties.
Any additional adjustments to our designs are free of charge for custom orders only. (This means orders that have been placed and were given a specific measurement).